Protoporphyrin-9 [553-12-8]

Referencia sc-200327

embalaje : 250mg

Marca : Santa Cruz Biotechnology

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  • Correlation between macroscopic fluorescence and protoporphyrin IX content in psoriasis and actinic keratosis following application of aminolevulinic acid.  |  Smits, T., et al. 2005. J Invest Dermatol. 125: 833-9. PMID: 16185285
  • Active photosensitizers in butter detected by fluorescence spectroscopy and multivariate curve resolution.  |  Wold, JP., et al. 2006. J Agric Food Chem. 54: 10197-204. PMID: 17177560
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  • In vitro antioxidant capacity and antigenotoxic properties of protoporphyrin and structurally related tetrapyrroles.  |  Mölzer, C., et al. 2012. Free Radic Res. 46: 1369-77. PMID: 22861140
  • Impaired secondary oxidant deactivation capacity and enhanced oxidative stress in serum from alveld affected lambs.  |  Hegge, AB., et al. 2013. J Photochem Photobiol B. 126: 126-34. PMID: 23954345
  • Protoporphyrin IX Stimulates Melanogenesis, Melanocyte Dendricity, and Melanosome Transport Through the cGMP/PKG Pathway.  |  Lv, J., et al. 2020. Front Pharmacol. 11: 569368. PMID: 33013408
  • Functional Genomics Identifies Metabolic Vulnerabilities in Pancreatic Cancer.  |  Biancur, DE., et al. 2021. Cell Metab. 33: 199-210.e8. PMID: 33152323
  • Protoporphyrin IX and verteporfin potently inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro and in a mouse model expressing human ACE2.  |  Gu, C., et al. 2021. Sci Bull (Beijing). 66: 925-936. PMID: 33318880
  • Evaluation of the genotoxic potential of protoporphyrin IX and the safety of a protoporphyrin IX-rich algal biomass.  |  Murbach, TS., et al. 2022. J Appl Toxicol. 42: 1253-1275. PMID: 35104912
  • Highly sensitive and quick in ovo sexing of domestic chicken eggs by two-wavelength fluorescence spectroscopy.  |  Preuße, G., et al. 2023. Anal Bioanal Chem. 415: 603-613. PMID: 36462048
  • Guanylate cyclase from bovine lung. A kinetic analysis of the regulation of the purified soluble enzyme by protoporphyrin IX, heme, and nitrosyl-heme.  |  Wolin, MS., et al. 1982. J Biol Chem. 257: 13312-20. PMID: 6128335
  • Informations pour la commande

    Nom du produitRef. CatalogueCOND.Prix HTQTÉFavoris

    Protoporphyrin-9, 250 mg

    250 mg

    Protoporphyrin-9, 500 mg

    500 mg

    Protoporphyrin-9, 1 g

    1 g

    Protoporphyrin-9, 5 g

    5 g