IgA Secretory Component(ECM1/792), RPE conjugate, 0.1mg/mL

Referencia BNCR0792-250

embalaje : 250uL

Marca : Biotium

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IgA Secretory Component Monoclonal Mouse Antibody (ECM1/792)

Product Description

This MAb reacts with a reduction-resistant epitope present in both free and SIgA bound Secretory Component. It does not react with the cell lines lacking secretory component. The antibody is useful for studying the distribution and level of both free and bound secretory component. Secretory component is differentially expressed in epithelium, and the antibody is a popular marker for identifying subpopulations of epithelial cells and epithelial differentiation. The Secretory component antibody is a useful research tool for studying mucosal immunity, inflammation, remodeling, differentiation and tumorigenesis, all processes associated with differential secretory component expression.

Primary antibodies are available purified, or with a selection of fluorescent CF® dyes and other labels. CF® dyes offer exceptional brightness and photostability. See the CF® Dye Brochure for more information. Note: Conjugates of blue fluorescent dyes like CF®405S and CF®405M are not recommended for detecting low abundance targets, because blue dyes have lower fluorescence and can give higher non-specific background than other dye colors.

Stock status: Because Biotium offers a large number of antibody and conjugation options, primary antibody conjugates may be made to order. Typical lead times are up to one week for CF® dye and biotin conjugates, and up to 2-3 weeks for fluorescent protein and enzyme conjugates. Please email info@clinisciences.com to inquire about stock status and lead times before placing your order.

Catalog Number Key for Primary Antibody Conjugates

Antibody # prefix Conjugation Ex/Em (nm) Laser line Detection channel Dye Features
BNC04 CF®405S 404/431 405 DAPI (microscopy), AF405 CF®405S Features
BNC88 CF®488A 490/515 488 GFP, FITC CF®488A Features
BNC68 CF®568 562/583 532, 561 RFP, TRITC CF®568 Features
BNC94 CF®594 593/614 561 Texas Red® CF®594 Features
BNC40 CF®640R 642/662 633-640 Cy®5 CF®640R Features
BNC47 CF®647 650/665 633-640 Cy®5 CF®647 Features
BNCB Biotin N/A N/A N/A
BNUB Purified N/A N/A N/A
BNUM Purified,
Alexa Fluor, Pacific Blue, Pacific Orange, and Texas Red are trademarks or registered trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific; Cy is a registered trademark of Cytiva; IRDye, LI-COR, and Odyssey are registered trademarks of LI-COR Bioscience.