JB-4 Embedding Kit

Referencia 00226-1

embalaje : 1kit

Marca : Polysciences

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JB-4® Embedding Kit

Grouped product items
Catalog Number Unit Size QTY
00226-1 1 kit

Product Overview

JB-4® is a water-soluble, 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA, also known as glycol methacrylate, GMA) based plastic resin kit used in the preparation of embedded samples for high resolution light microscopy (HRLM). JB-4 embedded tissues yield semi-thin sections (0.5µ-2µ) with excellent morphological structure preservation than paraffin processed tissues. JB-4 being a water-soluble media does not require dehydration to absolute alcohol except for dense, bloody, or fatty tissue specimens. Clearing agents such as xylene and chloroform are not required. JB-4 is excellent for small non-decalcified bone specimens, routine stains, special stains, and histochemical staining.

The polymerization of JB-4 is exothermic, which is easily controlled by polymerizing on ice or by using refrigeration at 4°C. Clear casts are obtained in 90 minutes or less. It has been successfully used in enzyme histochemistry, and auto-radiography.

JB-4® Embedding Kit Contains: 800ml Solution A (Monomer) ; 30ml Solution B (Accelerator) ; 12g Catalyst (Benzoyl Peroxide, Plasticized).

For immuno procedures we recommend the Osteo-Bed Bone Embedding Kit (Catalog #17734). JB-4 is not recommended for immuno procedures as the glycol methacrylate cannot be removed from the section and may block antigen sites for most antibody reactions.

Related Documents


Sullivan-Brown J., Bisher M.E., Burdine R.D., (2011) Embedding, Serial Sectioning and Staining of Zebrafish Embryos Using JB-4™ Resin. Nature Protocols 6(1):46-55

Xiaofang Wang X., Johnson D.H., (2000) mRNA In Situ Hybridization of TIGR/MYOC in Human Trabecular Meshwork. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 41:1724–1729

Horton W.A., Dwyer C., Goering R., Dean D.C., (1983) Immunohistochemistry of types I and II collagen in undecalcified skeletal tissues. J Histochem Cytochem 31(3):417-425.

Tacha, D.E., Richard T.C., (1981) Comparison of Glycol Methacrylate-and Paraffin-Embedded Tissues for identification of Tritium-Labeled Cells after Emulsion Radioautography. J Histotech 4(2):59-62

Higuchi S., Suga M., Dannenberg A.M. Jr, Schofield B.H., (1979) Histochemical demonstration of enzyme activities in plastic and paraffin embedded tissue sections. Stain Technol, 54(1):5-12. 

Safety & Storage

Skin sensitizer
Glove, chemical goggles & fume hood
Store at 4°C

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