Vcap cells
Referencia C0019001
embalaje : OneFrozenvial
Prostate cancer Derived from vertebral metastasis Homo sapiens Prostate Epithelial Adherent Tumorigenic Male, Caucasian, 59 yrs of age AddexBio-formulated DMEM (C0003-01) + 10% FBS 1:3 to 1:4 using 0.25% trypsin or trypsin/EDTA, 5% CO2; 37°C Complete culture medium supplemented with 5% (v/v) DMSO Bacteria: Negative Yeast: Negative Mycoplasma: Negative HIV: Negative Hepatitis B: Negative Hepatitis C: Negative Amelogenin: X,Y CSF1PO: 10,12 D13S317: 11,12 D16S539: 9 D5S818: 12 D7S820: 9,12 THO1: 9.3 TPOX: 8,11 vWA: 18,19 PC-3 cells VcaP cells Origin:
Cytogenic data:
Freezing Medium:
Biosafety Level:
II (cells produce the mouse xenotropic retrovirus Bxv-1) Sterility:
Protein Expression:
Androgen receptor; cytokeratin-18; p53 antigen; prostate specific antigen (PSA); prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP); Rb protein Isoenzymes:
DNA Profile (STR):
Related cells by Organ:
References for VcaP cells:
1. Vyas, H. K., Pal, R., Lohiya, N. K., and Talwar, G. P. A partner monoclonal antibody to Moab 730 kills 100% of DU145 and PC3 androgen-independent cancer cells. J Biosci, 34: 909-916, 2009.
2. Roca, H., Varsos, Z. S., and Pienta, K. J. CCL2 is a negative regulator of AMP-activated protein kinase to sustain mTOR complex-1 activation, survivin expression, and cell survival in human prostate cancer PC3 cells. Neoplasia, 11: 1309-1317, 2009.
3. Olea-Herrero, N., Vara, D., Malagarie-Cazenave, S., and Diaz-Laviada, I. The cannabinoid R+ methanandamide induces IL-6 secretion by prostate cancer PC3 cells. J Immunotoxicol, 6: 249-256, 2009.
4. Pei, Z., Li, H., Guo, Y., Jin, Y., and Lin, D. Sodium selenite inhibits the expression of VEGF, TGFbeta(1) and IL-6 induced by LPS in human PC3 cells via TLR4-NF-(K)B signaling blockage. Int Immunopharmacol, 10: 50-56.
5. Olea-Herrero, N., Vara, D., Malagarie-Cazenave, S., and Diaz-Laviada, I. The cannabinoid R(+)methanandamide induces IL-6 secretion by prostate cancer PC3 cells. J Immunotoxicol, 2009.
6. Chen, J., Xia, D., Luo, J. D., and Wang, P. Exogenous p27KIP1 expression induces anti-tumour effects and inhibits the EGFR/PI3K/Akt signalling pathway in PC3 cells. Asian J Androl, 11: 669-677, 2009.