Polystyrene 384 well plates for 3D culture - Alvetex Scaffold
The 384-well Alvetex Scaffold format consists of a 384-well black plate with a clear plastic base including an Alvetex Scaffold membrane at the bottom of each well. The Alvetex Scaffold membrane has been heat-sealed at the base of the wells through a process that does not alter its physical structure.
The Alvetex Scaffold membrane is a 200 μm thick membrane with pores with a diameter of approximately 42 μm. Which is suitable for most mammalian cells since these measure between 10 and 25 microns and are generally about 0 - 50 microns from another cell or 100 -200 microns from a source of nutrients such as blood vessel.
Cells that grow in 3D are exposed to the culture medium only from above, and therefore reside mainly in the upper part of the Alvetex Scaffold membrane.
The Alvetex Scaffold 384-well plate technology is compatible with a wide range of in vitro cell viability assays.

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