1-step qRT-PCR Protocol for ABI Prism™

This protocol is intended for use with the ABI PRISM® 7000, 7700, 7900HT, ABI 7300 Real-Time PCR Systems, GeneAmp® 5700, StepOne™, StepOnePlus™, and ViiA™ 7. This kit is not compatible with instruments that use ROX at a final concentration lower than 500 nM.

Protocole KAPA™ SYBR® FAST One-Step qPCR ABI Prism™

Réactifs :
- Template RNA
- Forward primer
- Reverse primer
- KAPA SYBR® FAST qPCR Master Mix (2X) with ROX Reference Dye
- dUTP
- KAPA RT Mix (50X)

Protocole général de qPCR

Step 1: qPCR Reaction Setup
- Before preparing qRT-PCR reactions, thoroughly mix the KAPA SYBR® FAST qPCR Master Mix (2X), KAPA RT Mix (50X), dUTP (10 mM), template RNA and primers. ROX reference dye is included in the Master Mix at a final concentration of 500 nM.
- Keep all kit components and assemble all reactions on ice to avoid premature cDNA synthesis.
- The recommended RNA input is from 1 pg to 100 ng total RNA.
- Prepare a reaction cocktail to reduce pipetting errors. Dispense equal aliquots into reaction tubes. Add RNA to each reaction as a final step. Addition of 2 - 5μl volumes of RNA will improve assay precision.
- Include a No Template Control (NTC) and No RT Control (NRT) when necessary. The NTC will enable detection of contamination in the reaction components. The NRT control tests for contaminating genomic DNA in the reaction.
- Calculate the required volumes of each component based on the following table:

Final concentration 20μl rxn
Nuclease-free water up to 20μl As required
KAPA SYBR® FAST qPCR Master Mix (2X) 1X 10μl
Forward Primer (10μM) 200 nM 0.4μl
Reverse Primer (10μM) 200 nM 0.4μl
dUTP (10 mM) (optional) 200μM 0.4μl
ROX Reference Dye Included in master mix at 500 nM final N/A
KAPA RT Mix (50X) 1X 0.4μl
Template RNA variable < 5μl

Step 2: Plate Setup
- Transfer the appropriate volume of reaction mixture to each well of a PCR tube/plate. Reaction volumes may be scaled down from 20μl to 10μl if low volume tubes/plates are used.
- Cap or seal the reaction tube/plate and centrifuge briefly.

Step 3: Run the qPCR Reaction
- If applicable, select fast mode on the instrument.
- Program the following cycling protocol:

Step Temperature Duration Cycle
cDNA synthesis 42°C 5 min Hold
Inactivate RT 95°C 2-5 min Hold
Denature 95°C 3 sec 40
Anneal/extend 60°C ≥ 20 sec 40
Dissociation Accordind to instrument guidelines

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