- Specifications
Product Description
WST-1 Cell Proliferation Assay Kit provides an easy to use tool for studying induction and inhibition of cell proliferation in any in vitro model.
Regulation Status
For research use only (RUO)
Storage Instruction
Store the kit at -20°C.
Example Data
- Applications
Functional Study
- Publication Reference
- Phagocytosis and the antigen-processing abilities of macrophages derived from monocytes in spinal tuberculosis patients.
Muhamad Dwi Putra, Ahmad Jabir Rahyussalim, Sri Widia A Jusman, Febriana Catur Iswanti, Mohamad Sadikin.
Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 2021 Jan; 23:100215.
Application:Func, Human, Macrophge.
- Extracorporeal Shock Waves Increase Markers of Cellular Proliferation in Bronchial Epithelium and in Primary Bronchial Fibroblasts of COPD Patients.
Antonino Di Stefano, Roberto Frairia, Fabio L M Ricciardolo, Isabella Gnemmi, Antonella Marino Gammazza, Alessio Piraino, Francesco Cappello, Bruno Balbi, Maria Graziella Catalano.
Canadian Respiratory Journal 2020 Aug; 2020:1524716.
Application:Func, Human, Human bronchial fibroblasts.
- Ultralong AgNWs-induced toxicity in A549 cells and the important roles of ROS and autophagy.
Wang F, Wang Y, Qu G, Yao X, Ma C, Song M, Wang H, Jiang G.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2019 Dec; 186:109742.
Application:Quant, Human, A-549 cells.
- Methotrexate Induces Apoptosis of Postpartum Placental Cytotrophoblasts.
Yan H, Li Z, Yan Z, Li X, Li X, Yu L, Su C, Chen D.
Cells, Tissues, Organs 2017 Jan; 203(4):231.
Application:Func, Human, Human cytotrophoblasts.
- Phagocytosis and the antigen-processing abilities of macrophages derived from monocytes in spinal tuberculosis patients.
WST-1 Cell Proliferation Assay Kit
Referencia KA1384
embalaje : 1Kit
Marca : Abnova