96 Well Plate Yeast Genomic DNA Mini-Preps Kit

Cat# BS8357

Size : 2XPlates

Marca : Bio Basic

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96 Well Plate Yeast Genomic DNA Miniprep Kit
Storage: 18 to 25C
Product Description: 96 Well Plate Yeast Genomic DNA Miniprep Kit: The kit provides a simple and convenient high throughput approach to isolate high quality DNA from yeast. DNA of cell lysate is selectively adsobed in 96-well plate and impurities such as proteins, salts and nucleotides are No phenol/chloroform extraction, no thanol precipitation is required. Purified genomic DNA can be up to 20 washed away. Purified genomic DNA can be used for PCR, 20 kb in length. Restriction Endonuclease Digestions and other downstream applications.
Total Product Size: 192prep
Individual Container Size: 192prep
Number of Containers: 1
Shipping Conditions: RT
UNSPSC Code: 41105504
UNSPSC Category: Genomic DNA Purification Kits

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