acetylated α Tubulin (6-11B-1) Alexa Fluor® 488

Cat# sc-23950 AF488

Size : 200µg/ml

Marca : Santa Cruz Biotechnology

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Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1): sc-23950

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Fiches techniques
  • L'anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin 6-11B-1 est un monoclonal IgG2b κ L'Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin, cité dans 328 publications, fourni en 200 µg/ml
  • dirigé contre les bras externes des axonèmes des spermatozoïdes de Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (oursin de mer)
  • L'Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) est recommandé pour la détection de acetylated α Tubulin d'origine mammalian species, zebrafish, Drosophila et Xenopus par WB, IP, IF et IHC(P); non cross-reactif avec non-acetylated α Tubulin or other lysine acetylation sites
  • Anti-L'Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) est disponible conjugué à l'agarose pour IP; à l'HRP pour WB, IHC(P) et ELISA; et soit à la phycoerythrin ou FITC pour IF, IHC(P) et FCM
  • aussi disponible conjugué à l'Alexa Fluor® 488, Alexa Fluor® 546, Alexa Fluor® 594 ou Alexa Fluor® 647 pour WB (RGB), IF, IHC(P) et FCM
  • aussi disponible conjugué à l'Alexa Fluor® 680 ou Alexa Fluor® 790 pour WB (NIR), IF et FCM
  • m-IgG Fc BP-HRP et 2b BP-HRP">m-IgG2b BP-HRP sont les réactifs secondaires recommandés pour la détection de l'anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) pour des applications de WB and IHC(P). Ces réactifs sont maintenant proposés en kit avec l'anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) ().


, α 3 Tubulin, α 4 Tubulin, α Tubulin, β Tubulin, β 2 Tubulin, β 3 Tubulin, δ Tubulin, ε Tubulin et γ Tubulin

L'anticorps anti-tubuline alpha acétylée (6-11B-1) est un anticorps monoclonal de chaîne légère kappa IgG2b de souris dirigé contre les bras externes des axonèmes des spermatozoïdes de Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (oursin), reconnaissant spécifiquement la forme acétylée de la tubuline alpha chez les mammifères, le poisson zèbre, la drosophile et Xenopus. La tubuline alpha, associée à la tubuline bêta, forme des hétérodimères qui se polymérisent pour créer des microtubules, composants essentiels du cytosquelette responsable du maintien de la forme des cellules, permettant le transport intracellulaire et facilitant la division cellulaire. L'acétylation de la tubuline α à la lysine 40 est une modification post-traductionnelle critique qui renforce la stabilité des microtubules et affecte les interactions avec les protéines motrices, influençant ainsi des processus tels que le trafic intracellulaire, le mouvement ciliaire et flagellaire, et les voies de signalisation cellulaire. La compréhension de la fonction et de la régulation de la tubuline α acétylée est importante pour comprendre les maladies neurodégénératives, le cancer et la biologie du développement. L'anticorps anti-tubuline α acétylée (6-11B-1) convient à des applications telles que le western blotting (WB), l'immunoprécipitation (IP), l'immunofluorescence (IF) et l'immunohistochimie avec des sections incluses en paraffine (IHCP), fournissant un outil précieux pour les chercheurs qui étudient la dynamique des microtubules et l'organisation du cytosquelette à travers une variété de systèmes biologiques.

Pour la Recherche Uniquement. Non destiné à un usage diagnostique ou thérapeutique.

Alexa Fluor® est une marque déposée de Molecular Probes Inc., OR., USA

LI-COR® et Odyssey® sont marques déposées de LI-COR Biosciences

Informations pour la commande

Nom du produitRef. CatalogueCOND.Prix HTQTÉFavoris

Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1)

200 µg/ml

acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1): m-IgG Fc BP-HRP Kit

200 µg Ab; 10 µg BP

acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1): m-IgG2b BP-HRP Kit

200 µg Ab; 10 µg BP

Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) AC

sc-23950 AC
500 µg/ml, 25% agarose

Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) HRP

sc-23950 HRP
200 µg/ml

Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) FITC

sc-23950 FITC
200 µg/ml

Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) PE

sc-23950 PE
200 µg/ml

Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) Alexa Fluor® 488

sc-23950 AF488
200 µg/ml

Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) Alexa Fluor® 546

sc-23950 AF546
200 µg/ml

Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) Alexa Fluor® 594

sc-23950 AF594
200 µg/ml

Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) Alexa Fluor® 647

sc-23950 AF647
200 µg/ml

Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) Alexa Fluor® 680

sc-23950 AF680
200 µg/ml

Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) Alexa Fluor® 790

sc-23950 AF790
200 µg/ml

1. What dilution works well for acetylated alpha Tubulin Antibody (6-11B-1) Alexa Fluor® 488 in PBMCs? 2. What isotype control is suitable for this conjugated antibody?

Posée par: Gautam
Thank you for contacting Santa Cruz Biotechnology . We would need to know what application the antibody is used for to better assist you. For help please contact Here are the controls we offer :
Répondue par: BlakeJ
Date de publication: 2024-05-14

We have lot # HQ422 of prodfuct sc-23950. I am getting a very week signal at 1:200 on fixed airway epithelial cells. Is this lot expired? Thanks. Shubha

Posée par: Shubha
Thank you for your question. We warranty our antibodies for 1 year from date of purchase . Lot HQ422 is not a valid lot number . Please give us a call or email us to discuss your results. or (800)457-3801.
Répondue par: BlakeJ
Date de publication: 2023-12-01

The product specifications list amino acids 149-448, however, in previous questions it was noted that this product recognizes Ac-K40. Can you please confirm which epitope this antibody recognizes?

Posée par: Laura
Thank you for your question. The epitope range is 149-448.
Répondue par: BlakeJ
Date de publication: 2023-11-14

Hi, interested in buying an anti-acetyl-alpha Tubulin antibody to test the effect of HDAC8 inhibitors by WB. Wondering if I could purchase or get an small aliquot to test it before placing the order of a full product

Posée par: CarlosPR
Thank you for your question. Please contact your local distributor or technical service for further assistance.
Répondue par: Dallas Tech Service
Date de publication: 2021-04-07

We have purchased and used acetylated α Tubulin Antibody (6-11B-1): sc-23950 antibody. It is working quite well. However we need to know the which amino acid residue the antibody is reacting with? Kindly tell me particular epitope to which ab binds.

Posée par: Nitish
Thank you for your question. This mouse monoclonal antibody recognizes endogenous levels of α-tubulin protein only when acetylated at Lys40 (Lysine 40).
Répondue par: Technical Support
Date de publication: 2024-11-07

Hi, I would like to know which light chain is in this antibody (e.g, kappa I, II or V). I would like to undertsand if I can purify the antibody with protein L resin. I would like to find out the affinity of the antibody with protein L. Thank you!

Posée par: Foram
Thank you for your question. Since acetylated α Tubulin Antibody (6-11B-1): sc-23950 is a mouse IgG2 antibody it can be purified using Protein A or Protein A/G. For further information please contact our technical service directly.
Répondue par: Technical Support Europe
Date de publication: 2019-02-04

Hi, I am interested in co-staining all microtubules (a-tubulin ab) and acetylated ones (acetylated a-tubulin). The issue is that both are mouse. Would a mouse secondary detect a conjugated acetylated a-tub antibody?

Posée par: JuanManuelGomez
Thank you for your question. We would not recommend co-staining with one conjugated primary antibody, and one un-conjugated primary antibody combined with an anti-mouse secondary antibody. There would still be the possibility of cross-reactivity between the anti-mouse IgG and the conjugated mouse monoclonal antibody. Instead, we would recommend co-staining with two conjugated primary antibodies, if both are mouse IgG.
Répondue par: Technical Support
Date de publication: 2017-05-16

Dear Santa Cruz! I would like to stain the primary cilium of HK2 cells with sc-23950. I saw a cytoskeletal network on one picture and individual cilia on the other. How can I achieve the cilia staining, with no visibility of the cytoskeleton? Thank you

Posée par: mkeszthelyi
Thank you for your question. We do not have a specific protocol for using our monoclonal acetylated α Tubulin Antibody (6-11B-1): sc-23950 for detection of individual cilium exclusively. Provided below is a link to our recommended protocol for immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase staining. This antibody has also been cited in the literature at least 30 times, many of which are using the antibody for IF or IHC applications. For example, PMID's: 27062996, 26079437 and 25286302. We hope that some of these publications may be useful in identifying a protocol for your research needs.
Répondue par: Technical Support
Date de publication: 2017-03-01
  • Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) Questions - page 2
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  • bvseo_sdk, java_sdk, bvseo-4.0.0
  • CLOUD, getContent, 150ms
Rated 4 de 5 de par acetylated alpha Tubulin Antibody (6-11B-1)Good signal at the expected molecular weight of acetylated tubulin.
Date de publication: 2024-11-05
Rated 5 de 5 de par Excellent in WB!Clear signal was detected in WB of mouse brain homogenate!
Date de publication: 2024-08-26
Rated 5 de 5 de par muy buen reconocimiento de la proteínaLo probé con una linea celular de mosquito y reconoció la proteína muy bien
Date de publication: 2023-10-03
Rated 5 de 5 de par Acet. alpha-tubulinAcet. Alpha-tubulin AlexaFluor 488 antibody was used 1/100 diluted in D-PBS/Live-Dead stain (1:1000), supplemented with 60µg/ml human IgG (Sigma Aldrich) at 8◦C for 30 min. After that, cells were washed in FACS buffer (D-PBS/0.1% BSA), fixed in 4% PFA at room temperature (RT), and analyzed by flow cytometry.
Date de publication: 2023-01-16
Rated 5 de 5 de par GREAT ANTIBODIES!Really good antibody. Whole cell lysate, Primary: 1:200, Secondary: 1:4000
Date de publication: 2022-06-14
Rated 5 de 5 de par Good antibody for ac-tubulinGood antibody for ac-tubulin detection in WB.Very clean and strong signal.
Date de publication: 2020-11-17
Rated 5 de 5 de par Primary cilia - ImmunofluorescenceThe antibody works quite well at 1/1000 in fixed cells and is highly specific.
Date de publication: 2019-07-29
Rated 5 de 5 de par Primary cilia - ImmunofluorescenceThe antibody works quite well and is specific to the target.
Date de publication: 2019-05-28
  • Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) Avis - page 2
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  • CLOUD, getReviews, 12ms
Anticorps acetylated alpha Tubulin (6-11B-1) est évalué 4.8 de 5 de 45.
  • y_2025, m_2, d_28, h_5
  • bvseo_bulk, prod_bvrr, vn_bulk_3.0.42
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  • bvseo_sdk, java_sdk, bvseo-4.0.0
  • CLOUD, getAggregateRating, 128ms

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