- Specifications
Product Description
Choline Assay Kit is a quantitative colorimetric/fluorometric choline determination.
Suitable Sample
Cell Culture, Milk, Plasma, Saliva, Serum, Tissue, Urine
Sample Volume
20 uL
Detection Method
Colorimetric, Fluorometric
Assay Type
Calibration Range
Colorimetric Assay: 1 to 100 uM, Fluorimetric Assay: 0.2 to 10 uM
Regulation Status
For research use only (RUO)
Quality Control Testing
Standard Curve
The standard curve is for the purpose of illustration only and should not be used to calculate unknowns. A standard curve should be generated each time the assay is performed.
Storage Instruction
Store the kit at -20°C.
- Applications
Functional Study
- Publication Reference
- Periconceptional alcohol exposure causes female-specific perturbations to trophoblast differentiation and placental formation in the rat.
Kalisch-Smith JI, Steane SE, Simmons DG, Pantaleon M, Anderson ST, Akison LK, Wlodek ME, Moritz KM.
Development 2019 Jun; 146(11):dev172205.
Application:Quant, Rat, Rat plasma.
- Nutritional and lipidomics biomarkers of docosahexaenoic acid-based multivitamin therapy in pediatric NASH.
Torquato P, Giusepponi D, Alisi A, Galarini R, Bartolini D, Piroddi M, Goracci L, Di Veroli A, Cruciani G, Crudele A, Nobili V, Galli F.
Scientific Reports 2019 Feb; 9(1):2045.
Application:Func, Quant, Human, Human blood.
- Rumen-protected methionine compared with rumen-protected choline improves immunometabolic status in dairy cows during the peripartal period.
Zhou Z, Bulgari O, Vailati-Riboni M, Trevisi E, Ballou MA, Cardoso FC, Luchini DN, Loor JJ.
Journal of Dairy Science 2016 Aug; 99(11):8956.
Application:Quan, Bovine, Cows milk.
- Effects of rumen-protected choline with calcium salts of long chain fatty acids on milk yield and milk composition of middle and late lactation Holstein cows.
A Pineda, F C Cardoso.
Livestock Science 2015 May; 175:47.
Application:Quant, Bovine, Bovine milk.
- Biomarkers of inflammation, metabolism, and oxidative stress in blood, liver, and milk reveal a better immunometabolic status in peripartal cows supplemented with Smartamine M or MetaSmart.
Osorio JS, Trevisi E, Ji P, Drackley JK, Luchini D, Bertoni G, Loor JJ.
Journal of Dairy Science 2014 Dec; 97(12):7437.
Application:Func, Cow, Milk.
- Periconceptional alcohol exposure causes female-specific perturbations to trophoblast differentiation and placental formation in the rat.
Choline Assay Kit
Cat# KA1662
Size : 1Kit
Marca : Abnova