EasyPure® EndoLow Plasmid MaxiPrep Kit

Cat# EM122-01

Size : 10rxns

Marca : TransGen Biotech

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EasyPure® EndoFree Plasmid MaxiPrep Kit

Catalog Number: EM122-01

Price:Please Inquiry First

10 rxns

Product Details

EasyPure® EndoFree Plasmid Maxi Prep Kit uses alkaline lysis method to extract plasmid DNA from no more than 500 ml of LB E. coli culture. Unique silica membrane adsorption technique to efficiently bind plasmid DNA. The special TB Buffer can effectively remove endotoxin. The solution contains indicators that can indicate whether the lysis and neutralization are complete through the change of color, so as to visualize the procedure. Endotoxin is removed on the column, which is fast and simple to use. The purified DNA is suitable for a variety of molecular biology applications including restriction enzyme digestion, ligation, transformation, DNA sequencing, and transfection. The kit can be used 10 times based on a single 100 ml to 200 ml bacterial input. 


• Visual Procedure: solution LB (blue) indicates whether the lysis and neutralization are complete through the change of color, so as to ensure the quality of plasmid extraction.

• Fast: the whole procedure can be performed within one hour.

• Easy to use: on-column rapid endotoxin removal.

• High yield (up to 4 mg).


At room temperature (15-25 )


At room temperature (15-25 )

Product Composition


EM122-01 (10 rxns)
Resuspension Buffer (RB) 120 ml 
Lysis Buffer (LB, Blue) 120 ml 
Neutralization Buffer 1 (NB1) 120 ml  
Activation Buffer (AB)  55 ml 
Wash Buffer (WB) 25 ml 
Elution Buffer (EB) 
25 ml 
RNase A (10 mg/ml )1.2 ml
Maxi-Plasmid Spin Column with Collection Tube 10 each 
Push Filter 10 each 
50ml Collection Tube10 each

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