Express Transfer Buffer

Cat# MB-024-1000

Size : 1L

Marca : Rockland Immunochemicals

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Express Transfer Buffer
Express Transfer Buffer

Product Details

Express Transfer Buffer - MB-024-1000
Carbonate Buffer, Western Blot Buffer, non-tris-glycine buffer

Target Details

This product was aseptically filtered through a Millipore 0.22 micron filter into clean, pre-sterilized containers. The product was tested on trypticase soy agar for 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours and was found to be negative for bacteria.

Application Details

Express Transfer Buffer is a alternative to tris-glycine as a transfer buffer in the western blot. It may run at an elevated temperature but gives markedly lower background.



Shipping & Handling

Store container at room temperature (18° to 26° C) prior to opening. If desired, the solution may be stored at 4° C or less.
Expiration date is three (3) months from date of receipt.
Western Blotting is the method used for immunodetection for the detection of proteins. Blotting is a method for transferring biological molecules (e.g., proteins, nucleic acid fragments) from a gel matrix to a membrane support for the subsequent detection of those molecules.
This product is for research use only and is not intended for therapeutic or diagnostic applications. Please contact a technical service representative for more information. All products of animal origin manufactured by Rockland Immunochemicals are derived from starting materials of North American origin. Collection was performed in United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspected facilities and all materials have been inspected and certified to be free of disease and suitable for exportation. All properties listed are typical characteristics and are not specifications. All suggestions and data are offered in good faith but without guarantee as conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control. All claims must be made within 30 days following the date of delivery. The prospective user must determine the suitability of our materials before adopting them on a commercial scale. Suggested uses of our products are not recommendations to use our products in violation of any patent or as a license under any patent of Rockland Immunochemicals, Inc. If you require a commercial license to use this material and do not have one, then return this material, unopened to: Rockland Inc., P.O. BOX 5199, Limerick, Pennsylvania, USA.

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