nUView Tris-Glycine SDS-PAGE Precast Gel 8% 10well, Fits BioRad Mini Protean Tanks
Cat# NB10-008
Size : 10/pk
Marca : NuSep
All nUView™ precast gels incorporate a unique formulation allowing protein bands to be visualized in only 2 minutes in the presence of ultraviolet (UV) light. Simply place your gel over a 250-320 nm UV trans-illuminator and watch high-resolution bands appear in just 2 minutes. With nUView™ technology you no longer have to stain and de-stain your gels – increasing protein recovery and saving you significant time while receiving improved results. Each box comes with the specially formulated 5L SDS Tris-Glycine Buffer to guarantee optimal performance.
Quantity | 10 gels/box |
Cassette Size | 10 x 8.5 cm |
Compatibility | fits Bio-Rad's Mini-Protean Tetra cell tanks |