Polybead® Acrylate Microspheres

Cat# 18602-15

Size : 15ml

Marca : Polysciences

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Polybead® Acrylate Microspheres

Grouped product items
Catalog Number Unit Size QTY
18602-15 15 ml

Product Overview

Polybead Acrylate Microspheres are monodisperse microspheres (2.5% solids in water) with surfaces that contain copolymers of styrene and an acrylic ester. The reactive ester sites on the polymer will furnish points for further organic reactions which may lead to innovative forms of activation (e.g. reaction with ammonia may lead to amide formation which may then undergo Beckmann rearrangement).


4.55 x 1010 beads/mL

General use


Surface Functionality:
Concentration (nom.):
2.5% solids (w/v), ~4.55 x 1010 particles/ml
Suspending Solution:
aqueous suspension

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Safety & Storage

Harmless-use normal precautions
Exercise normal care
Store at 4 degrees celsius;Do not permit to freeze