Polyethylenimine branched
Cat# M40823-50mL
Size : 50mL
Marca : AbMole Bioscience
All AbMole products are for research use only, cannot be used for human consumption.

Polyethylenimine, branched
Quality Control & Documentation
Biological Activity
Polyethylenimine branched is a surfactant and a non-viral gene delivery vector rich in positively charged amine groups, which can be used in studies related to drug delivery (especially oligonucleotide delivery), and is also one of the most commonly used reagents in small- to large-scale transfection.
Chemical Information
Molecular Weight | 800 |
CAS Number | 25987-06-8 |
Storage | RT |
[1] Yansong Zhang et al. Anal Methods. Branched polyethylenimine-assisted boronic acid functionalized magnetic nanoparticles for highly efficient capture of lincomycin and clindamycin
[2] Eun-Su Ko et al. Cell Commun Signal. 25KDa branched polyethylenimine increases interferon-γ production in natural killer cells via improving translation efficiency
[3] Zhongbin Luo et al. Anal Chem. Branched Polyethylenimine-Modified Upconversion Nanohybrid-Mediated Photoelectrochemical Immunoassay with Synergistic Effect of Dual-Purpose Copper Ions
[4] Anh K Lam et al. ChemMedChem. Cationic Branched Polyethylenimine (BPEI) Disables Antibiotic Resistance in Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE)
[5] Paola Vicennati et al. Curr Med Chem. Polyethylenimine in medicinal chemistry