Vitamin B12 Magnetic Beads (High Specificity)

Catalog Number: B2010390 (1 mL)
Vitamin B12 Magnetic Beads are a high quality suspension of magnetic particles (~3 um) conjugated to Vitamin B12. Highly specific and highly stable, these particles can be used for the easy one-step capture of various antigens, proteins and antibodies specific to Vitamin B12. These particles can be recovered easily using a magnet, allowing for various applications such as purification, depletion, assay development and more. Custom bulk orders of this product are available upon request.
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SKU: B2010390 Categories: Beads & Particles, Conjugates Tag: MD 1000

Product Description

4.8/5 - (9 votes)

Vitamin B12 Magnetic Beads Conjugates
Catalog number: B2010390
Lot number: Batch Dependent
Expiration Date: Batch dependent
Amount: 1 mL
Molecular Weight or Concentration: 0.1% solid suspension
Supplied as: Liquid Suspension
Appearance: Dark Brown suspension
Applications: high quality suspension of magnetic particles (~3 um) conjugated to Vitamin B12. Highly specific and highly stable, these particles can be used for easy one-step capture various antigens, proteins and antibodies specific to Vitamin B12. These particles can be recovered easily using a magnet, allowing for various applications such as purification, depletion, assay development and more.
Keywords: B12 magnetic particles, magnetic particles conjugates to B12
Grade: Biotechnology grade. All solid components are highly pure (minimum 95%). All solutions are made with Type I ultrapure water (resistivity >18 MΩ-cm) and are filtered through 0.22 um.

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9: Andrès E, Zulfiqar AA, Vogel T. State of the art review: oral and nasal
vitamin B12 therapy in the elderly. QJM. 2020 Jan 1;113(1):5-15.

Products Related to Vitamin B12 Magnetic Beads Conjugates : Beads and Particles

Additional Information

Weight 0.15 oz
Dimensions 2 × 0.5 × 0.5 in