CD19 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (SJ25C1), RPE-Astral™616 Conjugate - Biotium Choice

Cat# P010-R616-500

Size : 500UL

Marca : Biotium

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Antibody number


Antibody reactivity (target)


Biotium Choice Antibody


Antibody type

Biotium Choice Flow Antibodies, Primary

Host species







IgG1, kappa

Molecular weight

95 kDa


B-Lymphocytes Surface Antigen B4; T-cell Surface Antigen Leu-12; CVID3; B4

Human gene symbol


Entrez gene ID






Antibody target cellular localization

Plasma membrane

Verified antibody applications

Flow (surface) (verified)

Species reactivity


Antibody application notes

Recommended concentration for flow cytometry: 5 uL per million cells/0.1 mL

Positive control

Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)

Shipping condition

Room temperature

Storage Conditions

Store at 2 to 8 °C, Protect fluorescent conjugates from light

Shelf life

Guaranteed for at least 24 months from date of receipt when stored as recommended

Regulatory status

For research use only (RUO)

Antibody/conjugate formulation

Conjugates: PBS/0.1% BSA/0.05% azide

Antibody research areas


Cell/tissue expression

B-cells, Lymphocytes

Volume per assay

5 uL/test

Product origin

Product may contain either bovine serum albumin (BSA) from bovine serum (Bos taurus), or recombinant BSA produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Inquire for the specific lot.

Product Description

CD19 (clone SJ25C1) is a mouse monoclonal antibody that recognizes the transmembrane glycoprotein CD19. This antibody belongs to the Biotium Choice list of select antibodies that have been validated and optimized in-house for optimal performance. The antibody is available conjugated to CF® Dyes and Astral™ tandem dyes. They are supplied in PBS, 0.1% BSA, 0.05% azide.

CD19 is a transmembrane glycoprotein that contains two extracellular immunoglobulin-like domains. CD19 is present in both benign and malignant B-cells and is considered to be the most reliable surface marker of this lineage over a wide range of maturational stages. In normal lymphoid tissue, CD19 is observed in germinal centers, in mantle zone cells, and in scattered cells of the inter-follicular areas. Anti-CD19 exhibits an overall immunoreactivity pattern similar to those of the antibodies against CD20 and CD22. However, in contrast to CD20, expression of CD19 is continuous throughout B-cell development and through terminal differentiation of B-cells into plasma cells. Anti-CD19 positivity is seen in the vast majority of B-cell neoplasms commonly at a lower intensity than normal B-cell counterparts. Plasma cell neoplasms are nearly always negative, as are T-cell neoplasms.

As an isotype control, we recommend Isotype Control, Monoclonal Mouse IgG1 Kappa (IGG1/1331) for this antibody. View our full catalog of Biotium Choice antibodies, optimized and validated for the best results in flow cytometry.

CD19 Monoclonal Mouse Antibody (SJ25C1) - Biotium Choice

Conjugation Ex/Em Conc. Size Catalog No. Dye Features
CF®405M 416/452 nm 100 ug/mL 25 tests (125 uL) P010-405M-125 CF®405M Features
100 tests (500 uL) P010-405M-500
CF®488A 490/516 nm 100 ug/mL 25 tests (125 uL) P010-488A-125 CF®488A Features
100 tests (500 uL) P010-488A-500
CF®575 575/601 nm 200 ug/mL 25 tests (125 uL) P010-575-125
100 tests (500 uL) P010-575-500
RPE-Astral™616 496, 546, 566/617 nm 50 ug/mL 25 tests (125 uL) P010-R616-125
100 tests (500 uL) P010-R616-500
CF®647Plus 652/668 nm 25 ug/mL 25 tests (125 uL) P010-647P-125
100 tests (500 uL) P010-647P-500
CF®700 696/721 nm 100 ug/mL 25 tests (125 uL) P010-700-125 CF®700 Features
100 tests (500 uL) P010-700-500
APC-Astral™813 633, 638/813 nm 50 ug/mL 25 tests (125 uL) P010-A813-125
100 tests (500 uL) P010-A813-500
R-PE 496, 546, 565/576 nm 50 ug/mL 25 tests (125 uL) P010-RPE-125
100 tests (500 uL) P010-RPE-500
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