Onar® Bacteria Detection Kit for conventional PCR (including polymerase and internal amplification control in the reaction mix)

Cat# 12-1025

Size : 25Tests

Marca : Minerva Biolabs

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Onar® Bacteria

PCR kit for conventional, endpoint PCR of bacteria in various in situ biologicals including cell cultures and virus stocks. The kit can detect more than 45 bacteria genera, based on alignment analysis.

Recommended Use

Applicable in research and industry for direct testing of cell cultures and biologicals. For QA application, specific validation might be required. Intended for research use only. Not recommended for clinical diagnostics or testing of human samples.

Kit Components

Bacteria Mix: Primers / Nucleotides / Internal Control DNA / Polymerase in aliquots of 25 reactions each (lyophilised)
Rehydration Buffer
Positive Control DNA (lyophilised)
PCR-grade Water

Package Sizes

  • Cat. No. 12-1025 25 Reactions
  • Cat. No. 12-1100 100 Reactions
  • Cat. No. 12-1250 250 Reactions

Result Evaluation

Gel electrophoresis at endpoint of PCR

Required Consumables

PCR reaction tubes and filter tips

Required Lab Devices

PCR cycler
Agarose gel electrophoresis and DNA stain
Pipetting equipment

Shelf Life and Storage

Store the unopened components at +2 °C to +8 °C until the expiry date indicated on the label. Once rehydrated, the components must be stored at ≤ -18 °C.

Fig. Amplified PCR products are visualized by standard gel electrophoresis. Amplification of the Internal Control DNA (low molecular weight band) indicates a successful PCR and the lack of PCR-inhibiting components in the sample. A band in correspondence of the target (ca. 460 bp) implies the presence of a bacterial contamination.

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