Rabbit Anti-Hamster IgG(H+L), Mouse/Rat SP ads-FITC

Cat# 6215-02

Size : 0.5mg

Marca : Southern Biotech

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More Information
Isotype Rabbit IgG
Isotype Control Rabbit IgG-FITC
Specificity Reacts with the heavy and light chains of Syrian and Armenian hamster IgG
Source Pooled antisera from rabbits hyperimmunized with hamster IgG
Cross Adsorption Mouse and rat serum proteins (SP); may react with immunoglobulins from other species and the light chains of other hamster immunoglobulins
Purification Method Affinity chromatography on hamster IgG covalently linked to agarose
Conjugate FITC (Fluorescein)
Buffer Formulation Phosphate buffered saline containing < 0.1% sodium azide
Clonality Polyclonal
Concentration 0.5 mg/mL
Volume 1.0 mL
Recommended Storage 2-8°C; Avoid exposure to light
Applications Quality tested applications for relevant formats include -

Other referenced applications for relevant formats include -
Flow Cytometry 1
Immunohistochemistry-Frozen Sections 2
Western Blot 3
RRID Number AB_2796276
Technical Bulletin Safety Datasheet

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  1. 1. Nanki T, Urasaki Y, Imai T, Nishimura M, Muramoto K, Kubota T, et al. Inhibition of fractalkine ameliorates murine collagen-induced arthritis. J Immunol. 2004;173:7010-6. (FC)
  2. 2. Sajic D, Patrick AJ, Rosenthal KL. Mucosal delivery of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides expands functional dendritic cells and macrophages in the vagina. Immunology. 2005;114:213-24. (IHC-FS)
  3. 3. Priest JW, Moss DM, Won K, Todd CW, Henderson L, Jones CC, et al. Multiplex assay detection of immunoglobulin G antibodies that recognize Babesia microti antigens. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2012;19:1539-48. (WB)