SuperG> SuperG; 500mL
SuperG; 500mL
Trial sizes may be available, for more information contact a Scientist
- RPPA- reverse phase protein microarrays
- Laser microdissection- RRPA
- Antigen-capture assay
- Antibody capture assay
- Biomarker Discovery and Validation
- Nanotoxicology
- Serological Assay
- Immunogen Discovery
Partolina, M., Thoms, H. C., MacLeod, K. G., Rodriguez-Blanco, G., Clarke, M. N., Venkatasubramani, A. V., ). Global histone modification fingerprinting in human cells using epigenetic reverse phase protein array. Cell Death Discovery, 3, 16077. (
Mordmüller, B., Surat, G., Lagler, H., Chakravarty, S., Ishizuka, A. S., Lalremruata, A., ). Sterile protection against human malaria by chemoattenuated PfSPZ vaccine. Nature, 542(7642), 445. (
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Q Which buffer should Super G blocking buffer be diluted in and which dilution should be used?
A Super G to 0.1 x is the recommended dilution range.