Boost Disease Research with SOX Proteins, Antibodies & ELISA Kits

Boost Disease Research with SOX Proteins, Antibodies & ELISA Kits

We offer our SOX proteins/peptides, primary antibodies for research, primary antibodies for diagnostics, and ELISA kits to support your scientific efforts.



We offer SOX proteins, primary antibodies, and ELISA kits, indispensable for research and diagnostic applications in human biology. These tools are crucial for studying the role of SOX proteins in diseases, development, and cellular functions, providing valuable insights into their complex mechanisms.




SOX Proteins & Peptides

SOX proteins (Sex-determining Region Y-box) are essential transcription factors for embryonic development and cellular differentiation, acting through their HMG domain to regulate chromatin and gene expression. Key proteins like SOX2, SOX9, and SOX10 play critical roles in stem cell pluripotency, chondrogenesis, and neural crest cell development. They are also involved in various cancers and neurodegenerative diseases, offering promising applications in cellular therapy and omics technologies.

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SOX Primary Antibodies for Research

We offer a range of SOX primary antibodies tailored for advanced research applications. These antibodies support techniques such as Dot Blot, ELISA, immunocytochemistry, immunofluorescence, and Western Blot. They are validated for diverse model species and come with our quality guarantee.

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SOX Primary Antibodies for Diagnostics

Our SOX primary antibodies are also optimized for diagnostic applications. They are designed for precise detection and analysis of SOX proteins in clinical samples, ensuring accuracy and reliability in diagnostic settings.

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Our SOX ELISA and ELISPOT kits provide advanced solutions for the precise detection and analysis of various biological samples. The ELISA kit quantifies SOX proteins, enabling accurate measurement of protein levels in cell lysates and biological fluids. The ELISPOT kit detects cells secreting SOX proteins, offering insights into secretory activity and immune responses. These tools are crucial for in-depth studies on the role of SOX proteins in biological processes, diseases, and therapeutic applications.

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 We support your research and diagnostic needs with our SOX products to advance your scientific goals.

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