Quick Tissue/Culture Cells Genomic DNA Extraction Kit

Quick Tissue/Culture Cells Genomic DNA Extraction Kit

Simple and rapid method for high quality genomic DNA purification from mammalian tissues (either fresh or frozen at -70°C until use) and culture cells
The Tissue/Culture Cells Genomic DNA Extraction Kit provides a simple and rapid method for high quality genomic DNA purification from mammalian tissues(either fresh or frozen at -70°C until use) and culture cells. The Tissue/Culture Cells Genomic DNA system uses the silica-gel-membrane technology for simple and fast isolation of Genomic DNA without phenol/chloroform. Homogenization is not necessary since tissues are directly lysed by Proteinase K. The buffer system is optimized to allow selective binding of DNA to the silica-gel membrane. The simple centrifugation protocol completely removes contaminants such as proteins, divalent cations, and secondary metabolites. Pure DNA is then eluted in water or low-salt buffer, ready to use. The typical yield of genomic DNA is 3-35 µg from 10 mg of tissue or 1 x 106-107 cultrue cells. The purified high molecular weight genomic DNA is suitable for direct use in all common molecular biology applications: PCR, restriction digestion, cloning, DNA sequencing and Southern blot analysis.


Efficient: 3-35 µg of genomic DNA from 10 mg of tissue or 1 x 106-107 cultrue cells.
Fast: Procedure takes only 30 min.
Universal: purifies genomic DNA from various sources.
Safe: No phenol/cholroform extraction step.
High purity: Purified DNA is ready for downstream application such as PCR, restriction digestion.


Purified DNA is free from contaminants and enzyme inhibitors, and typically has A260/A280 ratios between 1.7 and 1.9, and is suitable for applications such as:
  • Restriction digestion
  • PCR
  • Labeling
  • Library construction

Quick Tissue/Culture Cells Genomic DNA Extraction Kit Products