Goat Anti-Rabbit IgM (mu-chain)-Biotin conjugate

Cat# 20240

Size : 0.5ml

Marca : Alpha Diagnostic International

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AntigenPurified Protein
FormBiotin conjugate
MSDSContains 05-1% (w/v) sodium azide
Product TypeSecondary Antibodies
SpCrossreactivitySpecificity of antibodies has been tested using IEP, immunodiffusion, and ELISA. The antibodies yielded a single precipitin arc against anti-rabbit serum and rabbit IgM. No antibody reactivity is detected to other rabbit serum proteins, IgA and IgG. Anti-rabbit IgM may crossreact with IgM from other species.
SugApplicationsELISA, Western, IHC (immunohistochemistry) or other applications where signal enhancements is needed using the biotin-streptavidin detection system
SugNegativeControlControl (non-immune) Goat IgG #20011-1


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