96-Well Plate Bacteria Genomic DNA Mini-Preps Kit

Referentie SK1295

Formaat : 5XPlates

Merk : Bio Basic

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96-Well Plate Bacteria Genomic DNA Miniprep Kit
Storage: 18 to 25C
Product Description: 96-Well Plate Bacteria Genomic DNA Miniprep Kit: The kit provides a simple and convenient high throughout approach to isolate high quality Genomic DNa from both Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria. DNA of cell lysate is selectively adsorbed on EZ-10 Spin Column, impurities such as proteins, salts and nucleotides are washed away. No phenol/chloroform extraction or ethanol precipitation is required. Purified genomic DNA can be up to 50 kb in length and can be used for PCR, and othe downstream applications.
Number of Containers: 1
Shipping Conditions: RT
UNSPSC Code: 41105504
UNSPSC Category: Genomic DNA Purification Kits

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