All-In-One DNA/RNA Miniprep Kit

Referentie BS88203

Formaat : 50preps

Merk : Bio Basic

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All-In-One DNA/RNA Miniprep Kit (Cell, Tissue, Plant)
Storage: 18 to 25C
Product Description: All-In-One DNA/RNA/Protein Miniprep Kit (Cell, Tissue, Plant): All-in-one DNA/RNA Mini-Preps Kit is designed for simultaneous extraction of total RNA, and genomic DNA from a single biological sample. DNA and RNa are isolated without splittng the sample prior to extraction. DNa and RNA can be isolated from cultured eukaryotic celss, animal and plant tissues. This kit, using an innocvatie buffer system, no need for phenol.chloroform extractions and provides column to separately pure genomic DNA from total RNA. Purified DNA is suile for downstream applications such as restriction endonuclease digestions, PCR, and so on. Isolated RNA can be used for mRNA isolations, probe generation, RT-PCR, northern blot analytis, primer extension. RNA protection assay and in vitro transaltion. The procedure is simple and fast. Genomic DNA and RNa can be isolated in less than 40 minutes.
Total Product Size: 50prep
Individual Container Size: 50prep
Number of Containers: 1
Shipping Conditions: RT
UNSPSC Code: 41106310
UNSPSC Category: Genomic DNA Purification Kits

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