CD31 / PECAM-1(C31.7), 0.2mg/mL

Referentie BNUB0014-500

Formaat : 500uL

Merk : Biotium

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Antibody number


Antibody reactivity (target)


Antibody type


Host species







IgG1, kappa

Molecular weight

~100 kDa (endothelium) and ~130 kDa (platelets)


EndoCAM; PECA1; Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule 1; GPIIA’

Human gene symbol


Entrez gene ID





376675 & 514412


Human recombinant CD31 protein

Antibody target cellular localization

Plasma membrane

Verified antibody applications

IHC (FFPE) (verified), Flow (surface) (verified), IF (verified), WB (verified)

Species reactivity

Cynomolgus monkey, Human, Rabbit

Antibody application notes

Immunohistology formalin-fixed 1-2 ug/mL, Staining of formalin-fixed tissues requires boiling tissue sections in 10 mM Tris with 1 mM EDTA, pH 9.0, for 10-20 min followed by cooling at RT for 20 minutes, Immunofluorescence 0.5-1 ug/mL, Flow Cytometry 0.5-1 ug/million cells/0.1 mL, Western blotting 0.5-1.0 ug/mL, Optimal dilution for a specific application should be determined by user

Positive control

Jurkat cells. Tonsil or Angiosarcoma.

Shipping condition

Room temperature

Storage Conditions

Store at 2 to 8 °C, Protect fluorescent conjugates from light, Note: store BSA-free antibodies at -10 to -35 °C

Shelf life

Guaranteed for at least 24 months from date of receipt when stored as recommended

Regulatory status

For research use only (RUO)

Antibody/conjugate formulation

Conjugates: 0.1 mg/mL in PBS/0.1% BSA/0.05% azide, HRP conjugates: 0.1 mg/mL in PBS/0.05% BSA, Purified: 0.2 mg/mL in PBS/0.05% BSA/0.05% azide, Purified, BSA-free: 1 mg/mL in PBS without azide

Antibody research areas

Angiogenesis, Cancer

Product origin

Product may contain either bovine serum albumin (BSA) from bovine serum (Bos taurus), or recombinant BSA produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Inquire for the specific lot.

Cell/tissue expression

Endothelial cells

Supporting Documents

Download Datasheet

Product Description

CD31 (PECAM-1) is a transmembrane glycoprotein member of the immunoglobulin supergene family of adhesion molecules. CD31 is expressed by stem cells of the hematopoietic system and is primarily used to identify and concentrate these cells for experimental studies as well as for bone marrow transplantation. Anti-CD31 has shown to be highly specific and sensitive for vascular endothelial cells. Staining of nonvascular tumors (excluding hematopoietic neoplasms) is rare. CD31 MAb reacts with normal, benign, and malignant endothelial cells which make up blood vessel lining. The level of CD31 expression can help to determine the degree of tumor angiogenesis, and a high level of CD31 expression may imply a rapidly growing tumor and potentially a predictor of tumor recurrence.

Primary antibodies are available purified, or with a selection of fluorescent CF® dyes and other labels. CF® dyes offer exceptional brightness and photostability. See the

CF® Dye Brochure

for more information. Note: Conjugates of blue fluorescent dyes like CF®405S and CF®405M are not recommended for detecting low abundance targets, because blue dyes have lower fluorescence and can give higher non-specific background than other dye colors.

Stock status: Because Biotium offers a large number of antibody and conjugation options, primary antibody conjugates may be made to order. Typical lead times are up to one week for CF® dye and biotin conjugates, and up to 2-3 weeks for fluorescent protein and enzyme conjugates. Please email

to inquire about stock status and lead times before placing your order.

 Catalog number key for antibody number 0014, Anti-CD31|PECAM-1 (C31.7) 

Antibody # prefix Conjugation Ex/Em (nm) Laser line Detection channel Dye Features
BNC04 CF®405S 404/431 405 DAPI (microscopy), AF405

CF®405S Features

BNC88 CF®488A 490/515 488 GFP, FITC

CF®488A Features

BNC68 CF®568 562/583 532, 561 RFP, TRITC

CF®568 Features

BNC94 CF®594 593/614 561 Texas Red®

CF®594 Features

BNC40 CF®640R 642/662 633-640 Cy®5

CF®640R Features

BNC47 CF®647 650/665 633-640 Cy®5

CF®647 Features

BNC74 CF®740 742/767 633-685 775/50

CF®740 Features

BNCB Biotin N/A N/A N/A
BNUB Purified N/A N/A N/A
BNUM Purified,
Alexa Fluor, Pacific Blue, Pacific Orange, and Texas Red are trademarks or registered trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific; Cy is a registered trademark of Cytiva; IRDye, LI-COR, and Odyssey are registered trademarks of LI-COR Bioscience.