Clevudine [163252-36-6]
Referentie sc-500848
Formaat : 250mg
Merk : Santa Cruz Biotechnology
Clevudine (CAS 163252-36-6)
La clévudine, un composé antiviral, agit comme un inhibiteur nucléosidique analogue de la transcriptase inverse (NRTI). Le mécanisme d'action implique l'inhibition de l'ADN polymérase virale responsable de la réplication du génome du VHB. En inhibant l'enzyme de manière compétitive, la clévudine empêche la liaison des désoxyribonucléosides triphosphates, substrat naturel. La recherche indique plusieurs effets bénéfiques de la clévudine. Elle a démontré sa capacité à inhiber la réplication du VHB, à réduire les niveaux d'ADN du VHB dans le foie et à diminuer les niveaux d'antigène du VHB dans le sérum. En outre, la clévudine s'est révélée prometteuse dans des modèles animaux en réduisant les taux d'alanine aminotransférase (ALT), un marqueur de lésions hépatiques. La clévudine a notamment montré une activité contre divers virus, dont le VIH, le virus de l'herpès simplex (HSV) et le cytomégalovirus (CMV).
Clevudine (CAS 163252-36-6) Références:
- Effect of a combination of clevudine and emtricitabine with adenovirus-mediated delivery of gamma interferon in the woodchuck model of hepatitis B virus infection. | Jacquard, AC., et al. 2004. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 48: 2683-92. PMID: 15215126
- Clevudine inhibits hepatitis delta virus viremia: a pilot study of chronically infected woodchucks. | Casey, J., et al. 2005. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 49: 4396-9. PMID: 16189132
- Long-term therapy with clevudine for chronic hepatitis B can be associated with myopathy characterized by depletion of mitochondrial DNA. | Seok, JI., et al. 2009. Hepatology. 49: 2080-6. PMID: 19333909
- Clevudine for chronic hepatitis B: antiviral response, predictors of response, and development of myopathy. | Jang, JH., et al. 2011. J Viral Hepat. 18: 84-90. PMID: 20196804
- Efficacy of initial treatment with clevudine in naive patients with chronic hepatitis B. | Yang, HW., et al. 2010. Korean J Intern Med. 25: 372-6. PMID: 21179274
- Clevudine-induced viral response, associated with continued reduction of HBsAg titer, was durable after the withdrawal of therapy. | Lee, HS., et al. 2011. J Gastroenterol. 46: 410-4. PMID: 21181212
- Comparison of clevudine and entecavir for treatment-naive patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection: two-year follow-up data. | Yoon, EL., et al. 2011. J Clin Gastroenterol. 45: 893-9. PMID: 21617542
- High-dose clevudine impairs mitochondrial function and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in INS-1E cells. | Jang, YO., et al. 2012. BMC Gastroenterol. 12: 4. PMID: 22230186
- Long-term treatment outcomes of clevudine in antiviral-naive patients with chronic hepatitis B. | Kim, SB., et al. 2012. World J Gastroenterol. 18: 6943-50. PMID: 23322992
- Noncompetitive inhibition of hepatitis B virus reverse transcriptase protein priming and DNA synthesis by the nucleoside analog clevudine. | Jones, SA., et al. 2013. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 57: 4181-9. PMID: 23774432
- A randomized, open-label study comparing low-dose clevudine plus adefovir combination therapy with clevudine monotherapy in naïve chronic hepatitis B patients. | Tak, WY., et al. 2014. Hepatol Int. 8: 375-81. PMID: 25101150
- Management of Clevudine-Resistant Chronic Hepatitis B: A Multicenter Cohort Study. | Cho, EY., et al. 2017. Gut Liver. 11: 129-135. PMID: 27538443
- Clevudine Induced Mitochondrial Myopathy. | Park, SH., et al. 2017. J Korean Med Sci. 32: 1857-1860. PMID: 28960041
- Clevudine attenuates bleomycin-induced early pulmonary fibrosis via regulating M2 macrophage polarization. | Li, S., et al. 2021. Int Immunopharmacol. 101: 108271. PMID: 34700113
- Protecting-group-free synthesis of clevudine (L-FMAU), a treatment of the hepatitis B virus. | Tremblay, T., et al. 2022. Org Biomol Chem. 20: 8859-8863. PMID: 36331415
État Physique :
Stockage :
Store at -20° C
Point de fusion :
186-189° C
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Informations pour la commande
Nom du produit | Ref. Catalogue | COND. | Prix HT | QTÉ | Favoris | |
Clevudine, 250 mg | sc-500848 | 250 mg | .00 |