Non-Functionalized Polystyrene

polystyrene beads

We offer uniform polystyrene latex microspheres that may be used as-is for standards or markers, or coated with proteins via adsorption for use in diagnostic tests and assays. Our spheres are synthesized via emulsion polymerization, and are available in diameters from ~20nm-90µm, with typical size CVs of 5-10%. For applications that require highly stringent CVs (e.g. 2-5%), call for product availability. Most products are supplied as a 10% solids suspension (100mg/mL) in de-ionized water with surfactant and sodium azide.


Many proteins may be easily and stably absorbed to hydrophobic, non-functionalized microspheres. Divinylbenzene (DVB) confers additional solvent and heat resistance to our crosslinked spheres. Unless noted otherwise, PS and PS/DVB microspheres are available as ~10% solids (w/w) aqueous suspensions in these standard amounts: 0.5g, 1.0g, 1.5g, and 5.0g.

TechNote 204, Adsorption to Microspheres
PDS 732, Polystyrene Microspheres

Catalog Number Nominal Diameter

Specification Range

PS02001 0.025µm 0.015 - 0.035µm
PS02002 0.050µm 0.040 - 0.060µm
PS02003 0.075µm 0.065 - 0.085µm
PS02004 0.100µm 0.090 - 0.110µm
PS02005 0.125µm 0.115 - 0.135µm
PS02006 0.150µm 0.140 - 0.160µm
PS02007 0.175µm 0.165 - 0.185µm
PS02008 0.200µm 0.190 - 0.210µm
PS02009 0.300µm 0.270 - 0.330µm
PS02010 0.400µm 0.370 - 0.430µm
PS03001 0.500µm 0.470 - 0.530µm
PS03002 0.600µm 0.570 - 0.630µm
PS03003 0.700µm 0.670 - 0.730µm
PS03004 0.800µm 0.770 - 0.830µm
PS03005 0.900µm 0.870 - 0.930µm
PS04001 1.00µm 0.95 - 1.05µm
PS05001 2.00µm 1.80 - 2.20µm
PS05002 3.00µm 2.80 - 3.20µm
PS05003 4.00µm 3.80 - 4.20µm
PS06001 5.00µm 4.80 - 5.20µm
PS06002 5.50µm 5.30 - 5.70µm
PS06003 6.00µm 5.80 - 6.20µm
PS06004 7.00µm 6.80 - 7.20µm
PS06005 7.50µm 7.30 - 7.70µm
PS07001 10.00µm 9.50 - 10.50µm
PS07002 15.00µm 14.50 - 15.50µm
PS07003 20.00µm 19.00 - 21.00µm
PS08001 >25.µm >25.00µm


Joubert, M, Hokom, M, Eakin, C, Zhou, L, Deshpande, M, Baker,M, …Jawa, J (2012) Highly Aggregated Antibody Therapeutics Can Enhance the in Vitro Innate and Late-stage T-cell Immune Responses J Biol Chem 287:25266

Noyhouzer, T., Perry, S. C., Vicente-Luis, A., Hayes, P. L., & Mauzeroll, J. (2018). The Best of Both Worlds: Combining Ultramicroelectrode and Flow Cell Technologies. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165(2), H10-H15. (Cat. PS03005, 0.9µm PS nanoparticles)
Fernandez-Bravo A, Yao K, Barnard ES, Borys N, Levy E, Tian B, … Schuck JP. (2018) Continuous-wave upconverting nanoparticle microlasers.Nature Nanotech;06/18.1748-3395 (nanoparticle-coated 5µm PS beads)
Arifin, N, Yunus, M H, Nolan, TJ, Lok, JB, & Noordin, R. (2018). Identification and Preliminary Evaluation of a Novel Recombinant Protein for Serodiagnosis of Strongyloidiasis. (PS02002, 0.5µm PS microspheres to pre-adsorb serum samples for immunoscreening)
Choy C H, & Botelho RJ. (2017). Quantifying phagocytosis by immunofluorescence and microscopy. In Phagocytosis and Phagosomes (pp. 43-53). Humana Press, New York, NY.(PS05003, 3.87µm PS, IgG opsonized with fluorescent secondary Ab)
Gigault C, Dalnoki-Veress K, & Dutcher JR. (2001) Changes in the morphology of self-assembled polystyrene microsphere monolayers produced by annealing. Journal of colloid and interface science, 243(1), 143-155.(1µm PS used to fabricate self-assembled monolayers)