Protein Molecular Weight Standards range 12.3 - 450 kDA for native PAGE

Referentie 39064.01

Formaat : 1KIT

Merk : SERVA Electrophoresis

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(Protein marker)

To determine the molecular weight of proteins separated in polyacrylamide gels in their native state SERVA offers a set of 8 proteins.
Proteins are either in solution or lyophilized, the lyophilized proteins can easily be dissolved in water or sample buffer. The molecular weights of the proteins range from 12.300 Da (Cytochrome C) up to 450.000 Da (Ferritin horse).
Please note: In the presence of SDS most of the proteins will fall into their subunits, therefore this marker should not be used for SDS PAGE.

25 mg of each. For native electrophoresis.

Ferritin horse
Catalase bovine
Aldolase rabbit
Albumin bovine (BSA)
Albumin egg
Chymotrypsinogen A
Myoglobin equine
Cytochrome C

Mr 450 000
Mr 240 000
Mr 160 000
Mr 67 000
Mr 45 000
Mr 25 000
Mr 17 800
Mr 12 300

HS: 38229000
Storage Temperature: -15 °C to -25 °C

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