Culture supports for microscopy - µ-slides with polymer bottoms

Culture supports for microscopy - µ-slides with polymer bottoms


µ-slides are polymer or glass microscope slides that allow the cultivation of cells and the observation of these cells, either living or fixed.
In order to allow a maximum of applications, there are different formats of µ-slides:
  • µ-slides with wells: A very common format that allows easy use and the use of larger volumes
  • µ-slides with channels: Format allowing a homogeneous distribution of cells and the use of small volumes. This format allows flow experiments to be carried out using a pump system.
  • µ-slides with specific geometry: They are designed for specific applications
These µ-slides are available with different treatment or coating options:
  • ibiTreat surface (treated for tissue culture): Excellent cell adhesion
  • Hydrophobic surface, uncoated: Low cell adhesion
  • Bioinert surface: No cell adhesion
  • Glass: Application of specific coatings; TIRF or super-resolution microscopy; glass chemistry applications.
  • Elastically Supported Surface (ESS): Adherent cell culture on an elastic surface
  • Collagen IV: Culture of adherent cells that require a specific extracellular matrix (ECM) on the surface.
  • Poly-L-Lysine: Culture of adherent cells that require a specific extracellular matrix (ECM) on the surface.