NGS Expression profiling sequencing - Library preparation
The analysis of gene expression profillng consists of measuring the activity or expression of several thousand genes at the same time, in order to create a global view of cellular functions. There are several transcriptomic technologies available to perform this type of analysis such as microarray or Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) of RNA, which in addition to providing information on the level of expression also allows for the determination of the sequence of genes.
RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) for the analysis of gene expression allows the detection of splicing and gene fusion events. This also allows the effect of different conditions on gene expression to be studied. The analysis of gene expression profile by RNA-Seq can also be used as a diagnostic tool in certain pathologies such as cancer. Indeed, cancer cells express certain genes at a very high level, these genes coding for proteins, it may then be possible to develop treatments targeting these genes or proteins.