Chicken Ia Antibody : PE

Referentie OASB02428

Formaat : 0.1mg

Merk : Aviva Systems Biology

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Chicken Ia Antibody : PE (OASB02428)

Datasheets/ManualsPrintable datasheet for Chicken Ia Antibody : PE (OASB02428)
Product Info
Tested Species ReactivityChicken
Predicted Species ReactivityChicken
Product FormatLiquid. Phosphate buffered saline containing 0.1% sodium azide and a stabilizer
Additional InformationDescription: The chicken Ia antigen is expressed on B cells, a subpopulation of the monocyte/macrophage lineage of cells, and mitogen-activated T cells. The molecule recognized by this antibody is similar in structure to the murine Ia antigens and human DR antigens.
Reconstitution and StorageStore at 2-8C
ImmunogenSplenic leukocytes from an outbred nine-week-old chicken
Concentration0.1 mg/mL