TransNGS® rRNA Depletion Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat)

Referentie KD101-03

Formaat : 96rxns

Merk : TransGen Biotech

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TransNGS® rRNA Depletion Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat)

Catalog Number: KD101-11

Price:Please inquire first

12 rxns
96 rxns

Product Details

TransNGS® rRNA Depletion Kit (Human/Mouse/Rat) depletes ribosomal RNA from human/mouse/rat total RNA by RNase H  digestion, while retains messenger RNA and non-coding RNA. The depleted ribosomal RNA contains both cytoplasmic ribosomal  RNA (5S rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, 18S rRNA and 28S rRNA) and mitochodrial ribosomal RNA (12S rRNA and 16S rRNA). The  resulting rRNA-depleted RNA is suitable for RNA-Seq, random-primed cDNA synthesis, or other downstream RNA analysis  applications. The kit can remove up to 99% ribosomal RNA from human/mouse/rat total RNA. Control qPCR Primer Sets are provided to monitor the depletion efficiency of ribosomal RNA and the retention rate of   non-ribosomal RNA.


• The kit can remove up to 99% ribosomal RNA from human/mouse/rat total RNA.  

• Control qPCR Primer Sets are provided to monitor the depletion efficiency of ribosomal RNA and the retention rate of non-ribosomal RNA.


at -20 for one year


Dry ice (-70℃)

Product Composition


KD101-11 (12 rxns)  KD101-03 (96 rxns)
rRNA Probe (H/M/R) 24 μl 192 μl 
E.coli RNase H 12 μl 96 μl 
DNase I 60 μl 480 μl 
5×Hybridization Buffer 36 μl 288 μl 
10×RNase H Reaction Buffer 24 μl 192 μl 
10×DNase I Reaction Buffer 60 μl 480 μl 
RNase-free Water 1 ml 
8×1 ml 
 Ribosomal RNA Primer Mix 
24 μl 192 μl 
Non-ribosomal RNA Primer Mix24 μl192 μl

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