96 Well Plate Bacterial Total RNA Mini-Preps Super Kit

Referência BS585

Tamanho : 5XPlates

Marca : Bio Basic

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96 Well Plate Bacterial Total RNA Miniprep Super Kit
Storage: 18 to 25C
Product Description: 96 Well Plate Bacterial Total RNA Miniprep Super Kit: This kit provides a simple and fast extraction of high quality of total RNA from a wide range of biological samples including Gram negative and positive bacteria using a high throughput spin-column format. The total RNA in the lysate of bacteria is selectively bound on each column of the 96-well plate and other impurities such as proteins and salts do not bind. The entire procedure takes approx 15 minutes only. No ethanol precipitation is required. Purified bacterial total RNA can be used for many downstream applications such as RT-PCR,Northern Blot,cDNA synthesis. The kit is also suile for RNA extraction from animal, fungi and some of plants samples. The kit may not be suile for RNA extraction from the plants containing high levels of secondary meolites, polyphenols and polysaccharides. For these plants, Plant RNA Isolation Kit and EZ-10 Spin Column Plant RNA Isolation Kit are recommended (Codes PT4191 and BS82314).
Number of Containers: 1
Shipping Conditions: RT
UNSPSC Code: 41105518
UNSPSC Category: Total RNA Purification Kits

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