Enrofloxacin/Ciprofloxacin (1.BB.892)

Referência sc-71048

Tamanho : 100µg/ml

Marca : Santa Cruz Biotechnology

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Anticorps Enrofloxacin/Ciprofloxacin (1.BB.892): sc-71048

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Fiches techniques
  • L'anticorps Enrofloxacin/Ciprofloxacin 1.BB.892 est un monoclonal IgM de souris fourni en 100 µg/ml
  • raised against Enrofloxacin conjugated to KLH
  • recommandé pour la détection de Enrofloxacin and Ciprofloxacin par ELISA
  • At present, we have not yet completed the identification of the preferred secondary detection reagent(s) for Enrofloxacin/Ciprofloxacin Antibody (1.BB.892). This work is in progress.


    and Cruz Marker™ MW Standards Promotional

    The quinolones are a family of broad-spectrum bactericidal antibiotics that inhibit the bacterial DNA gyrase or the topoisomerase II enzyme, thereby inhibiting DNA replication and transcription. The majority of quinolones in clinical use belong to the subset of fluoroquinolones, which have a fluoro group bound to the central ring system. Ciprofloxacin is a second generation fluroquinolone that functions by binding to and inhibiting DNA gyrase, thereby causing double-stranded breaks in the bacterial chromosome. Ciprofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is active against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and is used to treat infections in humans. Enrofloxacin is a fluroquinolone with a similar mode of action and structure to Ciprofloxacin, though it is used to treat infections in animals rather than humans. Enrofloxacin is usually used in domestic dogs and cats to combat different types of infections, especially those involving Pseudomonas and/or Staphylococci.

    For Research Use Only. Not Intended for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Use.

    Informations pour la commande

    Nom du produitRef. CatalogueCOND.Prix HTQTÉFavoris

    Anticorps Enrofloxacin/Ciprofloxacin (1.BB.892)

    100 µg/ml