96 Tests PN: A111122

32 Tests PN: A111122T


45x Ab-conjugated beads (S4P9 - human IFNγ ab-bead).

25x Biotin-detection Ab(human IFNγ Biotin-dAb).

Lyophilized Standard Mix-Human Group 1 Panel A, 7-Plex.

Application: Optimal antibody pair and antigen standard for assaying human IFNγ.  Can be multiplexed with other analytes in Human Group 1.  To be used in conjunction with the AimPlex NR Basic Kit 96 Tests (PN: P100001, 32 Tests PN: P100001T) and a diluent kit. Refer to the AimPlex Multiplex Immunoassay User Manual and kit inserts for the assay procedure.

Storage:  2-8 C in the dark.

Important: Sodium azide forms explosive compounds with heavy metals. These products contain <0.05% (w/w) azide which with repeated contact with lead and copper commonly found in plumbing drains may result in the buildup of shock sensitive compounds. Dispose in accordance with regulations from your institute.

For Research Use Only.  Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Assay Specifications:


Interferon-gamma (Accession P01579) also known as immune interferon is produced by a variety of leukocytes, most notably T-cells and NK cells. IFN-γ is involved in nearly every phase of immune and inflammatory responses. IFN-γ assists in anti-tumor responses and more generally, in inter-cellular communication for both innate and adaptive immune responses. Interferon-gamma promotes development and activation of Th1 cells, Ig switching in B-cells, and activation of macrophages.

In mice and humans, interferon gamma has been linked to many autoimmune diseases such as non-obese diabetes, lupus nephritis, and experimental autoimmune thyroiditis. There is research to suggest that IFN-γ not only promotes inflammation but may also limit inflammation in certain circumstances by exhibiting anti-proliferative and apoptotic effects. IFN-γ has been used in experimental studies for treating multiple sclerosis, but it appears to have exacerbated the condition.


  1. Farrar, MA, Schreiber RD. The Molecular Cell Biology of Intereeron-γ and Its Receptor. Annu. Rev. Immunol. 1993. 11:571-611. Doi:10.1146/annurev.iy.11.040193.003035.

  2. Panitch HS, Hirsch RL, Schindler J, Johnson KP. Treatment of multiple sclerosis with gamma interferon Exacerbations associated with activation of the immune system. AAN. 1987; 37 (7). Doi: 10.1212/WNL.37.7.1097.

  3. Pisa P, Halapi E, Pisa EK, Gerdin E, Hising C, Bucht A, Gerdin B, Kiessling R. Selective expression of interleuking 10, interferon gamma, and granulocyte-macrophage colongy-stimulating factor in ovarian cancer biopsies. PNAS. 1992; 89 (16) 7708-7712; doi:10.1073/pnas.89.16.7708.

  4. Tau G, Rothman P. Biologic functions of the IFN-gamma receptors. Allergy. 1999; 54(12):1233–1251.

  5. Zaidi MR, Merlino G. The Two Faces of Interferon-γ in Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research. 2011; 17 (19): 6118-6124. Doi:10.1158/1078-0423.CCR-11-0482.