Nr4a2 Mouse shRNA Lentiviral Particle (Locus ID 18227)

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Nr4a2 - Mouse shRNA lentiviral particles (4 unique 29mer target-specific shRNA, 1 scramble control) locus_ID:18227

Nr4a2 Mouse shRNA Lentiviral Particle (Locus ID 18227)

Nr4a2 - Mouse shRNA lentiviral particles (4 unique 29mer target-specific shRNA, 1 scramble control), 0.5 ml each, >10^7 TU/ml.
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2 Weeks*
Product Data
Locus ID 18227
Synonyms HZF-3; NOT; Nurr1; RNR-1; TINOR; TINUR
Vector pGFP-C-shLenti
Format Lentiviral particles
Components Nr4a2 - Mouse shRNA lentiviral particles (4 unique 29mer target-specific shRNA, 1 scramble control), 0.5 ml each, >10^7 TU/ml.
RefSeq NM_001139509, NM_013613, NM_013613.1, NM_013613.2, NM_001139509.1, BC137715, BC144854
UniProt ID Q06219
Summary Transcriptional regulator which is important for the differentiation and maintenance of meso-diencephalic dopaminergic (mdDA) neurons during development. It is crucial for expression of a set of genes such as SLC6A3, SLC18A2, TH and DRD2 which are essential for development of mdDA neurons.[UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Function]
shRNA Design These shRNA constructs were designed against multiple splice variants at this gene locus. To be certain that your variant of interest is targeted, please contact If you need a special design or shRNA sequence, please utilize our custom shRNA service.
Performance Guaranteed OriGene guarantees that the sequences in the shRNA expression cassettes are verified to correspond to the target gene with 100% identity. One of the four constructs at minimum are guaranteed to produce 70% or more gene expression knock-down provided a minimum transfection efficiency of 80% is achieved. Western Blot data is recommended over qPCR to evaluate the silencing effect of the shRNA constructs 72 hrs post transfection. To properly assess knockdown, the gene expression level from the included scramble control vector must be used in comparison with the target-specific shRNA transfected samples.

For non-conforming shRNA, requests for replacement product must be made within ninety (90) days from the date of delivery of the shRNA kit. To arrange for a free replacement with newly designed constructs, please contact Technical Services at Please provide your data indicating the transfection efficiency and measurement of gene expression knockdown compared to the scrambled shRNA control (Western Blot data preferred).
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