Component | AP122-01/11 | AP122-02/12 | AP122-03/13 |
TransTaq ®-T DNA Polymerase | 250 U×1 | 500 U×1 | 500 U×6 |
10×TransTaq ® | 1.2 ml ×1 | 1.2 ml ×1 | 1.2 ml ×6 |
2.5 mM dNTPs | - / 400 μl ×1 | - / 800 μl ×1 | - / 800 μl ×6 |
6×DNA Loading Buffer | 500 μl×1 | 1 ml ×1 | 1 ml ×2 |
TransTaq®-T DNA Polymerase
Referência AP122-03
Tamanho : 6×500units
Marca : TransGen Biotech
TransTaq® -T DNA Polymerase
Catalog Number: AP122-01
Price:Please inquire first
Product Details
TransTaq®-T DNA Polymerase is a mixture of EasyTaq® DNA Polymerase with a proofreading 3’-5’ exonuclease. The fidelity is equal to EasyPfu DNA Polymerase. The yield is equal to that from EasyTaq® DNA Polymerase. It is more suitable for high fidelity TA cloning.
• TransTaq®-T DNA Polymerase offers 18-fold fidelity as compared to EasyTaq® DNA Polymerase.
• Extension rate is about 1-2 kb/min.
• Template-independent“A”can be generated at the 3’end of the PCR product. PCR products can be directly cloned into pEASY®-T vectors.
• Amplification of genomic DNA fragment up to 8 kb.
• Complex templates
• TA cloning
at -20 ℃ for two years
Dry ice (-70 ℃)
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