IF validated Antibodies
Polyclonal anti-human unconjugated primary antibodies immunofluorescence validated
Resultado da sua pesquisa : 720235 produto encontrado
Refine sua procura :
- Unconjugated 720235
- HRP 6
- FITC 5
- Biotin 2
- human 720235
- mouse 442968
- rat 374158
- monkey 28214
- cow 23931
- dog 22049
- pig 19253
- rabbit 13959
- sheep 10570
- horse 10405
- chicken 6616
- zebrafish 5245
- hamster 2490
- guinea pig 2088
- all species 1856
- xenopus 1537
- cat 1323
- goat 813
- drosophila 754
- fish 459
- yeast 442
- virus 303
- c. elegans 228
- bird 194
- frog 184
- gorilla 169
- plant 130
- insect 115
- ferret 90
- donkey 75
- opossum 45
- swine 44
- bacteria 39
- duck 29
- e. coli 19
- pigeon 9
- lizard 4
- llama 4
- camel 1
- Primary antibody 720235
- rabbit 528900
- mouse 126406
- human 6131
- goat 3744
- rat 2621
- chicken 545
- sheep 259
- cow 174
- guinea pig 168
- pig 128
- donkey 103
- hamster 97
- dog 96
- llama 81
- monkey 56
- swine 50
- xenopus 32
- drosophila 26
- horse 17
- yeast 15
- fish 14
- cat 11
- e. coli 9
- all species 7
- plant 6
- c.elegans 5
- quail 4
- shark 4
- mammals 3
- bacteria 2
- coral 2
- fishungi 2
- frog 2
- humans 2
- invertebrate 2
- mollusk 2
- sea squirt 2
- squirrel 2
- zebrafish 2
- chimpanzee 1
- multiple mammals 1
- IF 719425
- WB 588073
- IHC 426305
- ELISA 301089
- ICC 165433
- FC 82862
- IP 69920
- ChIP 5993
- FLISA 3253
- Microscopy 2348
- Dot blot 1247
- Blocking 692
- FA 683
- Immunodiffusion 458
- Purification 379
- Neutralization 353
- Radioimmunoassay 345
- Immunoassay 285
- Assay 243
- Staining 132
- in-vivo 123
- Inhibition assay 95
- Proximity Ligation Assay 78
- EMSA 73
- Cell depletion 68
- array 65
- Immunoelectrophoresis 61
- Multiplex assay 53
- Cellular activation 37
- Agglutination 27
- Lateral Flow 23
- Chromatography 20
- Mass spectrometry 20
- Detection 19
- ISH 17
- in-vitro 17
- Biacore 10
- Total 9
- purified IgY 9
- Immunoradiometric assay 6
- Chemiluminescence 4
- FRET 4
- Immunostaining 3
- Affinity purified IgY 2
- Northern Blot 2
Enzyme-Linked-Immunosorbent-Assay ^1
Since applications vary 1 - Mass cytometry 1
- you should determine the optimum working dilution for the product that is appropriate for your specific need. 1
- Polyclonal 488629
- Monoclonal 31319
- polyclonal 1973
- Recombinant 362
- 1F6 226
- monoclonal 222
- S8MR 208
- 9E10 201
- S4MR 191
- S2MR 189
- S7MR 186
- S0MR 184
- 1A8 179
- S5MR 177
- S6MR 177
- 1A6 174
- E-8 171
- A-3 166
- B-4 166
- S3MR 165
- A-5 164
- E-7 163
- D-8 160
- D-6 159
- S9MR 159
- D-4 157
- B-3 155
- E-10 154
- B-8 150
- F-3 149
- 1A4 148
- 1C10 147
- A-9 147
- C-5 147
- 1B8 146
- B-1 146
- D-3 146
- C-4 145
- B-9 144
- S1MR 144
- 1F2 143
- B-10 143
- B-6 143
- C-1 142
- G-5 142
- 1D12 141
- A-4 141
- A-7 141
- C-8 140
- B-5 139
- A-8 138
- G-7 138
- E-3 137
- F-5 137
- F-7 137
- C-2 136
- C-3 136
- D-9 136
- G-4 135
- G-10 134
- C-6 133
- F-4 133
- 1G7 131
- 1A10 130
- C-11 130
- A-11 129
- D-5 129
- C-9 128
- E-4 128
- G-6 128
- C-10 127
- E-12 127
- G-9 127
- H-7 127
- 1B10 126
- D-7 126
- E-2 125
- H-6 125
- E-6 124
- B-11 123
- H-4 123
- D-1 121
- F-6 121
- A-10 120
- 1E12 119
- A-6 119
- C-7 119
- OTI1C5 119
- D-2 117
- E-5 117
- OTI1E3 116
- 1C9 115
- 1G8 115
- H-8 115
- D-10 114
- D-11 114
- F-2 114
- G-3 114
- A-12 113
- 1G4 112
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