THP-1 cells
Referência C0003024
Tamanho : OneFrozenvial
Acute monocytic leukemia
This cell line was established from the peripheral blood of a 1 year old human male with acute monocytic leukemia.
Homo sapiens, human Peripheral blood Monocyte Suspension Not specified Male, 1 years of age infant AddexBio-formulated RPMI-1640 Medium (C0004-01) + 10% FBS + 2-mercaptoethanol (0.05 mM) Cultures can be maintained by the addition or replacement of fresh medium. Alternatively, cultures can be established by centrifugation with subsequent resuspension at 2-4 x 10^5 viable cells/mL. Subculture when cell concentration reaches 8x10^5 cells/mL. Do not allow the cell concentration to exceed 1 x 10^6 cells/mL. Culture at 5% CO2, 37°C. Renew medium once every 2 to 3 days. Complete culture medium supplemented with 5% (v/v) DMSO I Bacteria: Negative Yeast: Negative Mycoplasma: Negative HIV: Negative Hepatitis B: Negative Hepatitis C: Negative Amelogenin: X,Y CSF1PO: 11,13 D13S317: 13 D16S539: 11,12 D5S818: 11,12 D7S820: 10 THO1: 8,9.3 TPOX: 8,11 vWA: 16 If use of this culture results in a scientific publication, it should be cited in the publication as: THP-1 (AddexBio C0003024) Tissue:
Cytogenic data:
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DNA Profile (STR):
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References for THP-1 cells:
1. Tsuchiya S, Kobayashi Y, Goto Y, Okumura H, Nakae S, Konno T, Tada K. Induction of maturation in cultured human monocytic leukemia cells by a phorbol diester. Cancer Res. 1982;42(4):1530-1536. PMID: 6949641